
Each of the four location selections needs to be completed in order:

  • Nation
  • State
  • County
  • City

Users outside the United States will not be asked for state, city, and county information. However, they must select an average minimum temperature range from the drop-down box and enter the number of days their growing season typically lasts.

Height Constraints (Optional)

Species selection can be restricted to suit limitations in typical mature tree height if desired.

Air Pollutant Removal (0-10 importance)

Rank each of the following environmental services from 0 to 10 on how important these tree services are to you. 0 = not important; 10 = highly important.

  • Select Overall to consider the overall air pollutant removal impact of any tree (weights five pollutants based on the estimated effect of each pollutant).
  • If you wish to rank the pollutants individually, select Specific to see a list of five pollutants.
  • Ranking sliders: 10 is most important while choosing 0 means the pollutant will not be considered during species selection.

Other Functions (0-10 importance)

  • Eight additional environmental functions can be considered here.
  • Click the ? button to see a description of any function.
  • Ranking sliders: 10 is most important while choosing 0 means the factor will not be considered during species selection.


Using your location and the importance of each environmental factor, all of the species in the database are ordered according to your choices based on an algorithm. Species outside of your mature height range and outside of your hardiness zone are dropped from the list.

  • Top 10% shows the best matches.
  • All shows the entire ranked list.

Trees Recommended by i-Tree Species


This is a list of the top 10% of tree species based on the following functions.



Hardiness: 0


  • Minimum Height: None
  • Maximum Height: None

Air Pollutant Removal (0-10 Importance)

  • Overall: 0
  • Carbon Monoxide: 0
  • Nitrogen Dioxide: 0
  • Sulfur Dioxide: 0
  • Ozone: 0
  • Particulate Matter: 0

Other Functions (0-10 Importance)

  • Low VOC: 0
  • Carbon Storage: 0
  • Wind Reduction: 0
  • Air Temperature Reduction: 0
  • UV Radiation Reduction: 0
  • Building Energy Reduction: 0
  • Streamflow Reduction: 0
  • Low Allergenicity: 0

S = Sensitive I = Intermediate S/I = Indeterminate



Pest Risk

Scientific Name
Common Name
Hardiness Zone
Ozone (O3)
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
Possible Pests

Hardiness zone derived from Horticopia database based on USDA Hardiness zones. For hardiness zones with decimal (e.g., 4.5) values were rounded down for maximum hardiness (e.g., 4) and up for minimum hardiness zone (e.g., 5)
* Some uncertainty to hardiness zone - hardiness zone estimates derived from Dirr (M.A. Dirr, 1975, Manual of Woody Landscape Plants. Stipes Publ. Co. Champaign IL. 1007 p.) and Sunset (1985, New Western Garden Book, Lane Publ. Co. Menlo Park, CA. 512 p.). As hardiness estimates or maps did not always exactly match USDA Hardiness zone ranges, some extrapolations were made to the closest hardiness zone.
** Moderate uncertainty to hardiness zone - hardiness zone estimate based on genera average of minimum and maximum hardiness zone based on Horticopia database and information from Dirr (1997) and Sunset (1985). Average value was rounded to nearest hardiness zone class (1 -11).
*** High uncertainty to hardiness zone - hardiness zone estimate based on family average of minimum and maximum hardiness zone based on Horticopia database and information from Dirr (1997) and Sunset (1985). Average value was rounded to nearest hardiness zone class (1 -11).
Sensitivity - "S" indicates sensitive to pollutant; "I" indicates intermediate rating between sensitive and tolerant to pollutant; and "S/I" indicates a mix of sensitive and intermediate ratings in the literature.

Database version: 12.0.77
i-Tree Species version: 2.3.0